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Feenbox now in alpha

February 20, 2017 — Carlos Fenollosa

Feenbox is a very dear project of mine, one that I've been working on intermittently for the past four years.

For personal reasons I have been unable to launch until now, but the time has finally come.

I'm a startup founder but Feenbox is not a "startup" project. I don't want to change the world. In fact, I fight so that this small portion of the world stays exactly as it is: text-based, following standards, free as in freedom, and interoperable.

Feenbox wants to help the world discover that they don't need Facebook or Twitter in order to read their favorite content.

I've sent a few invites to some friends. If you want to join the alpha stage or be notified when the service is ready, email me.

You can read more at the Feenbox page and the FAQ.

Tags: alpha

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